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5 results found

Bob's Inaugural Lecture

Bob Williamson gave his inaugural lecture at the University of Tübingen recently. The photo shows the FMLS group at the reception. A video recording of the lecture can be found here . A pdf of the slides is here .

Systems of Precision - Intersectionality meets Measurability

The usual way probability theory is used is that you posit an algebra of events. Each such event has a probability (that is, it is "measurable"). The assumption that the set of events that have a probability is an algebra means that if A and B are both events then "A and B" is also an event (the...

Slow Science

Machine learning research is notoriously fast paced. Can one get off the treadmill and embrace a notion of slow science ? I am pleased to be able to argue yes by example! Recently I have had two works published with a very long gestation. The first Geometry and Calculus of Losses reports work that...

Two new papers

We recently finished two papers on imprecise probabilities. The set structure of precision: coherent probabilities on Pre-Dynkin Systems This shows a relationship between the set system of measurable events and imprecision of probabilities, and thus offers a novel way of generalising traditional...