We are pleased to announce that the 2nd Workshop on Learning Under Weakly Structured Information is taking place at the Tübingen AI Center. After the first edition of the workshop in 2024 organised by Hannah Blocher and Christoph Jansen from LMU Munich, this year the FMLS-group at the University of Tübingen welcomes to the small, interactive workshop. The workshop will cover topics in the Theory of Machine Learning which usually fly below the radar of the fast-paced field.
This years meeting is organised by Laura Iacovissi, Armando Cabrera Pacheco and Rabanus Derr.
The 2nd Workshop on Learning Under Weakly Structured Information will happen on the 7th and 8th of April at the University of Tübingen, Maria-von-Linden-Strasse 6. A more detailed schedule will be announced when the speakers confirmed. Participation is free of charge. However, registration for the workshop is required to guarantee a smooth organization.
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