Rabanus Derr

A smiling Rabanus in its natural habitat.

Hello, I'm Rabanus. Since October 2021 I am pursuing my PhD under supervision of Bob Williamson in the group "Foundations of Machine Learning Systems". I am working on the implication of probability theoretical assumptions on ethical considerations in machine learning.

As part of this endeavour I'm keen on exploring the interplay of how data is modelled and the way predictions on this data are evaluated.

From October 2023 until March 2024 I did a research stay at the University of Pennsylvania visiting Aaron Roth.

For a list of publication see GoogleScholar or ResearchGate.

I am a scholar in the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS).



University of Tübingen
Department of Computer Science
Maria von Linden Str. 6
72076 Tübingen 

Room: 30-29/A3
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29-70844
Mail: rabanus.derr[at]uni-tuebingen.de