Hi there, I’m Ben!
By asking foundational questions about machine learning and its use, I hope to help shaping the development and deployment of `artificial intelligence´ in a way that is beneficial and not harmful to society. I have been thinking especially about the interpretation and evaluation of probabilistic predictions and about the relation between individuals and groups. As an ELLIS PhD student, I am co-supervised by Nuria Oliver in Alicante, where I am spending the winter semester 2024/25.
I initially studied maths (with some physics) and then also philosophy (with some literature and languages) in Munich, inevitably leading to a master's in mathematical philosophy at the MCMP. After that, I completed a master's in computer science in Oxford, with a focus on machine learning. This led to a research assistantship with people in the OATML group where I worked on coding-heavy projects such as active learning with language models. I started my PhD in Tübingen in September 2022.
Find me here: twitter GoogleScholar
benedikt.hoeltgen (at) uni-tuebingen.de